Я слышу голос, и он говорит мне: «Дойди до Рая!» (c)
Its July 21st 2013, and I am still freaking out. Way too many interesting and exciting things had happened during the last week or so. Its 21st of July and I can't wait until the first day of the new month to start getting ready. To start my job, to start actively get ready for school, to start saving money for my trip and to continue freaking out about seeing New York this September.
But before August starts I still have a lot of things to prepare before I will be able to welcome the new month, the new chapter in my life. Its amazing and a little scary but I can't wait for it to come. I have a very good feeling about this Fall and I think that when New Year comes I won't have much to regret anymore.
But before August starts I still have a lot of things to prepare before I will be able to welcome the new month, the new chapter in my life. Its amazing and a little scary but I can't wait for it to come. I have a very good feeling about this Fall and I think that when New Year comes I won't have much to regret anymore.