Я слышу голос, и он говорит мне: «Дойди до Рая!» (c)
лол. Оказывается не я один худею к фестивалю. Одна моя знакомая тоже решила сегодня этим заняться. У на теперь почти клуб по интересам, блин 
Alex Klein: +1 to that. I have the same goal - 10 pounds it is!
Genae Gerardi: Alex, we can totally get through this together! Support systems for the win!
Alex Klein: yep. I read that to lose 10 pounds you need to lose 35 000 extra calories... so, about 1100-1200 a day for us because of the time limit. that will be fun...
Genae Gerardi: *Flops over and dies.* I like food way too much. Oi. I'm so going to text you motivational texts once a week and be all, BITCH WE DONT NEED NO 1200 CALORIES PUHLEEZE!

Alex Klein: +1 to that. I have the same goal - 10 pounds it is!
Genae Gerardi: Alex, we can totally get through this together! Support systems for the win!
Alex Klein: yep. I read that to lose 10 pounds you need to lose 35 000 extra calories... so, about 1100-1200 a day for us because of the time limit. that will be fun...
Genae Gerardi: *Flops over and dies.* I like food way too much. Oi. I'm so going to text you motivational texts once a week and be all, BITCH WE DONT NEED NO 1200 CALORIES PUHLEEZE!