Я слышу голос, и он говорит мне: «Дойди до Рая!» (c)
I'm embodiment of banality
I am connection in duplicity.
And, if something unsaid was left
- don't make it personal, forgive it.
I am your crazy interlocutor,
I am your most sincere joy -
When we "smile and wave",
Reading the Bradis table
I am your rasping voice of conscience
I am your source of tears at night
With me you eat and watch the news,
And wait, when the rain is over, wait.
I am your friend in weaving bracelets,
I am so lazy, very savvy ...
I'm your mind, my schizophrenic.
So, please lets have a conversation.
I am connection in duplicity.
And, if something unsaid was left
- don't make it personal, forgive it.
I am your crazy interlocutor,
I am your most sincere joy -
When we "smile and wave",
Reading the Bradis table
I am your rasping voice of conscience
I am your source of tears at night
With me you eat and watch the news,
And wait, when the rain is over, wait.
I am your friend in weaving bracelets,
I am so lazy, very savvy ...
I'm your mind, my schizophrenic.
So, please lets have a conversation.