Я слышу голос, и он говорит мне: «Дойди до Рая!» (c)
Sometimes we have to let our loved ones go. You always know that there will be a moment in your life when you'll have to say good bye and watch them leave.
When there are two tickets, when you know exactly the date end even, may
be, time when they'll come back, you let them go easily, you will feel happy
and you can smile, knowing that very soon you will see them again. But
when this ticket doesn't exist, and you just let them leave, the fear arises inside you. You get so afraid that something can change, that
something will happen. Something will make them to stay there, that they will
enjoy the place they go to and will not want to come back. And it will
turn out that the time, when you let them leave, was the last time you
could see them, the last time when you loved each other. And then its
all gone, but you dont know about it untill one moment, when you realize
that they won't come back.
That moment when you stand at the train station you know that they have to leave. But the only thing you want to do right now is to hold their hand and don't let them go. Because its so good and safe here with you.
But you have to believe, to trust them. To hope that they will come back because they love you. This fear, this loneliness, which you know you will feel the moment, when you come home and dont see them there, is painful.
But its the thing you have to do. Because...
Because you love them.

But... the important thing, we should know, is that every moment we spent together is great, that the moment when you realize how much you love this person and you feel how much this person loves you, that this very moment is permanent. And all other things can change. But this will not. And this is the only great hope you should have when you let someone leave. When you look in their eyes and you whisper "I love you", you hope, you believe that it is true. That it will always be true. That all other things are temporary, all other things can change. But that won't.
And when you do belive in it, when they'll leave, you will smile.

@темы: Размышления о жизни, Любимым..., English; Translations

26.06.2012 в 23:01

Я иду в Новый Мир навстречу жизни и теплу. Пойдешь ли ты со мной?/ Боже, храни Дина и Детку, Метур, 9/10/11 Доктора, Шерлокоджона, Дицест, Гарридраку, ОкиСай и Клейн.
Das ist immer traurig, wenn wir mit unseren Liebligen scheiden muessen...
Obwohl ich keiner hatte...

Gomen, я импровизирую хД
26.06.2012 в 23:20

Я слышу голос, и он говорит мне: «Дойди до Рая!» (c)
я же по немецки ни бум-бум XD
27.06.2012 в 00:22

Я иду в Новый Мир навстречу жизни и теплу. Пойдешь ли ты со мной?/ Боже, храни Дина и Детку, Метур, 9/10/11 Доктора, Шерлокоджона, Дицест, Гарридраку, ОкиСай и Клейн.
Alex_Klein, я написала, что это грустно)

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