Я слышу голос, и он говорит мне: «Дойди до Рая!» (c)
Snow is covering up the roads where you are (probably) walking,
And here in the mountains again the sun, that I never asked for.

Once I fell in love in the rain, a downpour or even a hurricane,
But here in front of me appear different landscapes today.

I recently fell in love with the sun, then I decided to give it your name,
And it seems as though it became easier to get used to the lack of rain.

In Colorado are blizzards again in mid-July, ice
is falling quietly down on the flowers.

And then (as always) suddenly the sun will return on the sky
I am habitually asking to send you in Peter* usual "good-night".

You'll wake up in the morning smiling, stretching sweetly on the bed,
Sun spot will give you the message from the Colorado distant land.

It will gently rub against the cheek (though perhaps you will not notice)
And in the ear will whisper softly, "In this world you are the best"

* short from St. Petersburg

@темы: творчество, Любимым..., Посвящается, English; Translations, Стихи