If i would be told just several months ago that i ll be in this very place in my life i would laugh at this. I would say that its impossible, absurd. And yet... here we are. He is not my type, he is not my style, he is from such a different world from mine, exactly opposite sometimes. I would not imagine being with a guy like that. And yet... I want to be with him.
I was pushing it. I was forcing him to say the words. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?". And that very moment when i heard them i asked myself - do i? And i took time. Time to really think about it. Do i need this guy and this type of relationships? Okay, he offered. The hunt is over and i got him. What now? I took my time to decide. And... i did. I do want this trouble, i want this emotions, i want to live it through, with all of the possible pain and excitement. I wanted to give it a shot. I said "yes"
He drives like a psycho. And thats scary. At the same time qhen i look at him when he is driving i understand that he knows what he is doing, and i relax. Even if we die, it doesnt feel scary anymore. And i laugh. When he leaves other cars behind wondering wtf. I love it, this adrenaline, purring of the baby benz and faces of shocked people. And his face - serious but yet satisfied.