For some reason the issue of trust has become a very popular subject to discuss in the last couple of months.
Trust. Do people have to trust each other? More importantly, do they NEED to trust others?
I think in some aspects, yeah, sure, why not. Its not a crime to tell someone what ice cream you prefer or what you like in the bedroom. But should people tell Everything?
Why is it so important for some to know everything about their friend/partner/relative ? They are so afraid that if he/she doesn't tell his/her deepest secrets to them then it means that he/she doesn't trust them. Insecurity. Aren't there things you don't want everyone or even anyone to know about? Things that make you weak, things that make it easier to manipulate you, to threaten you, even to blackmail to some extent? I'm not sure there are people I would want to tell such things. At least not after the first date/meeting.
"Do you trust me?" sounds like a joke. Its the same as to ask "Is it cold in Russia?". Duh! But not everywhere. You know, Russia is a freaking HUGE country. The BIGGEST one to be exact. Almost 6 600 000 square miles. And of course not all of it is cold. Moreover, there are different SEASONS - sometimes its colder than other times. So, is it cold in Russia? Yes and no. The same is here - I can trust people more or less, always or more rare. So yes, I do trust you, whoever you are, but how much is a different question.
Some don't need words to understand what is going on in my head. Some have to ask all the time. But I can trust them the same way. And if I don't tell everything right away it doesn't mean that I hate people. May be I don't trust them enough yet, or may be those are the things which are too sacred. Some never want to discuss their God or anything they believe in and isn't it their right? Does it mean that they lack of trust? I wouldn't say so.
Trust is a big issue when you want to get close to someone. You not only get to know THEM but also can share parts of YOUR life. You soul. Your heart. But you have only one soul and one heart. So you should think a little before telling something private, something very precious, something very important. Do we really have to blame them for it? For having only one life, for being afraid to get hurt easier than it can be, for establishing boundaries at least for some time.

There is also a word To Believe. Believe in people. In their trust. To believe that there is a very good or at least some kind of a reason why people do what they do, why they hide things, why they lie, why they love.
What is the motivation of people? According to Abraham Maslov it is 1.Physiology, 2.Safety, 3.Love 4,Self-esteem, 5. Self actualization.
Besides the hunger and sleep as obvious motivations FEAR is the one which makes people struggle. Fear is much stronger than need of Love for some... and it makes me sad actually. People are afraid of everything - not only frogs or heights. Responsibility. Pain. Or Unknown.

Fear and Trust. People are afraid to trust. Fear => Safety, Trust => Love. They are on different levels of the hierarchy. And Fear so often wins over...

But people should not always be afraid, or they will stay on the 2nd level of the pyramid and never get to know the wonders of the life outside of it. But getting over the fear is so difficult that people are trying to find help in others. And that is the time when the issue of trust appears.
We are afraid to trust but we want others to trust us so we will feel more secure.

Will it work, or we will forever be 7 billions of lonely people?