Дурак. Я написал ему, а он ответил.
И вот мы будто снова друзья, а я плачу, то ли от усталости, то ли от того, что так живо представляю как он меня прижимает к себе и целует в лоб.
Я должен записать наш диалог...Я: Do you need me to say it outloud?
Keith: Say what outlod?
Я: I see.. Sorry for bother
Keith: Please don't misunderstand me. I am not angry, unhappy or anything of that sort. I am simply comfused. I thought you found me to be the scum of the earth..
Я: The only scum I know which is not 10 000 miles away, and I need whan I feel miserable as now. Because only with you I could become a little fluffy ball and do not feel embarrased about it...
Keith: You are still the best ball of fluff I know, no matter the circumstance.
Я: Sometimes I get strange thought in my mind. I didnt want you to become the only person so far I can do not be afraid to show my weak side. I never wanted that... Sometimes its just not as easy to keep the mask on. Perhaps today was just one of that days.
Keith: What happened, hon?
Я: Just a meaningless conversation with my grandmother and I got very offended even though I would assume she didn't intend to do...
Keith: I'm sorry Hito. I truly am - offers a hug-
Я: - presses tightly agains your chest and closes the eyes- - touches your chin with the top of the head- Thank you...
Keith: -looks down and kisses your forehead- No need to thank me. I owe you at least this much - Holds you tighter-
Я: -tries to hide the tears of exhaustion- What would I do without you?
Keith:Honestly? Likely hide behind your mask until the pressure became too great, allowing it to explode in a fiery mess. But this wont happen. Because no matter what yu do, no matter how often either of us fucks up..
If you need me, I am here for you.
Я: If you repeat it I might start to believe in ut but.. - smiles weakly- may be its not a good idea. Thateventually you might find me at your door all sad and needed a place to finally exhale... And it will be dark so you wont want me to drive at night..
Keith: - Actually went outside to bring you in from the cold-
Дурак. Я написал ему, а он ответил.
И вот мы будто снова друзья, а я плачу, то ли от усталости, то ли от того, что так живо представляю как он меня прижимает к себе и целует в лоб.
Я должен записать наш диалог...
И вот мы будто снова друзья, а я плачу, то ли от усталости, то ли от того, что так живо представляю как он меня прижимает к себе и целует в лоб.
Я должен записать наш диалог...