В поисках подходящей цитаты подруге ко дня рождения наткнулся на несколько весьма интересных цитат про желания:

“You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know"
- Oscar Wilde

“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.”
- Erica Jonq

"All I know is that you love me...in my dreams.”
- Unknown

“Always leave something to wish for; otherwise you will be miserable from your very happiness.”
- Baltasar Gracian

И немножко цитат на другие темы:

Alice: I've had nothing yet, so I can't take more.
The Hatter: You mean you can't take less; it's very easy to take more than nothing.
- Alice in Wonderland

Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
Alice: …so long as I get somewhere.
The Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.
- Alice in Wonderland